Those of you who have read previous entries here may remember: :"John Mayer, a Critical Analysis". In that entry I discussed my dislike for Mr Mayer and elaborated with my reasons. Today, I feel the need to throw Mr Jeremy Piven into the spotlight. After all,this is exactly where he wants to be isn't it?
I have never liked Jeremy Piven. He reeks of a smug,entitled self importance that I loathe. When he decided to leave the Broadway show he was performing in and used "mercury poisoning" as an excuse (claimed it was due to sushi), well, that set me off even more. No one eats that much sushi, I refuse to believe it. And if they do, why isn't every single Japanese person on this earth dead from this ailment?
This man strikes me as one of those "don't you know who I am?" people. I can totally see him stepping over an 83 year old lady who is in front of him to get his coffee quicker. And I've heard tales of his trying to mac on 20 year old girls with his "hey I'm a famous actor" shtick. Well hear me now Mr Piven, you may be famous but you are balding and smarmy and you are NOT funny. And I've written a haiku to tell you how I feel about you and it goes like this:
receding hairline
egotistical jackass
get over yourself
That's all for now :)
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