Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well what have we here? Why it's a toilet seat in the middle of an inner city basketball court. No one walking by this site seemed phased by it except me. Is it just me or does this make a person wonder at all? Even a tiny little bit? I was discussing it with a friend and she commented casually, "maybe someone needed to throw it out". OK, I can buy that but HOW DID IT MAKE IT'S WAY FROM THE TRASH TO THE SIDEWALK?"

Being a weirdo with nothing important to think about, I really pondered about this one for quite a while. Well, for as long as my commute. I imagined all sorts of scenarios. Like a really angry, bitter roommate who decided to move out without telling his/her roommate and tried to think of the most annoying thing on earth they could possibly do to the person they were moving out on. Hmmmm, should I take his favorite plate?? Drink all the milk and put back an empty carton? No, I've got it, I'm going to rip the entire toilet seat off and make sure they will never ever find it again. Yeah, that's it, sweet revenge.

Or maybe someone was taking it to someone who needed a toilet seat and they got beaten up by a group of thugs on the way and just dropped it while making a run for their life?

Or could it be some sort of inner city art or veiled political statement? If so, what does it mean? I can hear the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art guide explaining it now.......Here we have a visually as well as emotionally jarring piece by (fill in blank with unpronounceable name). This piece is a culmination of 30 years of his groundbreaking and socially relevant work. In this piece,he is clearly stating that the our continuing war against terrorism is futile and that we are hopelessly raging against the machine of privileged white men. (note the word "clearly used in the interpretation, that is so you feel like an idiot when you fail at interpreting something really obscure ).
I just don't know but for some reason I really need to know what led to this. I realize that any normal person who is reading this will think me to be an airhead who fixates on really benign things but so be it. That's the risk I'm taking I guess.
That's all for now :)

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