Saturday, August 8, 2009


"BILLY MAYS HERE FOR COCAINE! DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE WAKING UP IN THE MORNING? ARE YOU TIRED OF COFFEE AND YEARN FOR THAT EXTRA PEP?"...So didja hear? Billy Mays was a cokehead, 'tis true. Apparently he was a big fan of the booger sugar. Toxicology reports showed that he had cocaine in his system, prescription painkillers and anti-anxiety meds too. At first it suprised me, but now thinking about it that man WAS cocaine. This explains all that shouting and his hyper personality. He was so amped up, it totally makes sense to me. This also answers why my house is such a mess, I'm missing the cocaine part! I guess that's all I've been needing to really get my shit together here. WHO KNEW?

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