Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yoo Hoo!

I know, I know...where have I been? I'm sorry, on the very off chance that you come here regularly to read I have been a bad blogger/person and not posting over the last week or so.....reasons why?

1.)I've been tired beyond belief AGAIN and worried that my stupid iron levels are falling. Going to the Dr tom to get checked out.

2.)I have another blog that I've been writing short entries on daily and I'm talked out. Yes, believe it or not, I'm talked out.

3.)I will be writing here this weekend and still love you all (if anyone even exists out there and is reading this).

4.)I have lost 12 pounds (so far, 10 more to go)and am trying to fulfill my prophecy to be a sexual goddess and it's taking me away from the computer more than I would like.

5.)I just had a baby.

6.)I just won the lotto.

7.)That is me to the right.

If you can guess which of these statements is untrue, you will win my undying respect and devotion. I may even change your diapers when you get old and need to wear them. Be good and see ya in a day or two! xoxoxo

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